At Kensington Castle we provide an individualised learning program for each child in our care guided by the National Curriculum of the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards. Through the use of the framework, educators observe your child’s learning through listening, watching and talking with your child. Educators are then able to assess where to go next and how to build upon your child’s interest and learning. Through our app, your child’s learning journey is documented for you to view at any time.
Through the Framework’s five learning goals educators assist your child to develop:
A strong sense of their identity
A connection with their world
A strong sense of wellbeing
Confidence and involvement in their learning; and
Effective communication skills
Our individualised programs provide your child the opportunity to develop in all areas of their development in a stimulating, happy atmosphere. We want children to grow, develop and to thrive by providing creative and positive experiences. By providing an interest based curriculum, children are given the opportunity to assist in the development of the program by voicing their interests and ideas. Educators are able to build on these ideas by creating exciting experiences, engaging group times and allow the children diversity through a combination of child and educator led activities.
At Kensington Castle we know the importance milestones in a child developing from 0-5 years old and are able to cater accordingly to each group. Our variety of experiences to enhance your child learning include:
- Physical play: Physical play opportunities allow your child to play, be active, socialise, experiment, learn to identify risks and understand what is safe and what is isn’t. Research has highlighted the importance of early childhood as a critical time for establishing healthy behaviours and patterns that children will take with them into later childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
- Social play: Children are encouraged to share, turn take, begin to identify feelings, develop self- confidence and are encouraged to understand their own self- identity as they learn to play with others.
- Technology: Our program helps our children become confident and healthy users of technology. Technology in the room is to provide an extension of a child’s learning. Children are given the opportunity to use technology purposefully and appropriately. Through educator led activities, the aim is to provide learning opportunities that prepare children for our future ‘world of global learning’.
- Music: All types of music are incorporated into the program at Kensington Castle. The aim of the music program is to celebrate the joys of music and movement. A significant component of the music program aims to harness the various cultures in the centre and in the local community. Children are encouraged to express themselves through movement and introduced to the variety of tools used to producing music. The older children will be exposed to musical concepts like beat and tempo.
- Language: Language is encouraged daily through informal conversations and small group experiences to ensure your child is encouraged to develop the foundation skills of speech and conversation.
- Cognitive: These are thinking skills. All experiences throughout the day promote your child to think, problem solve and recall a variety of situations and experiences.